Network Code Interoperability
Information on Art. 4.1, Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/703 (Network Code Interoperability)
We would like to inform our network users about the following facts and therefore fulfill our information obligation regarding Art. 4.1, Commision Regulation (EU) 2015/703 of 30 April 2015 establishing a network code on interoperability and data exchange rules:
Rules for the matching process
Open Grid Europe GmbH applies on all relevant cross-border and market area interconnection points the so called „lesser-of rule“ when it comes to matching procedure (See here §13c, 2 of our General Terms & Conditions for Entry/Exit contracts (entry/exity system) currently in version 10.2, published on 10 October 2019)
Rules for the allocation of gas quantities
Open Grid Europe has established a so called Operational Balancing Agreement (OBA) or an equivalent procedure on all of its relevant cross-border and market area interconnection points which allows to allocate gas volumes to its network user on basis of their nomination (“allocated as nominated”). If the defined limits of the OBA are exhausted, then the adjacent transmission system operator may agree to extend those limits or otherwise to allocate quantities to network users proportionally based on the measured quantity (pro rata allocation). (See here §12 in Appendix 2 “Supplementary Terms and Conditions of Open Grid Europe GmbH” of our General Terms & Conditions for Entry/Exit contracts (entry/exity system) currently in version 10.2, published on 10 October 2019)
If there is an agreement between the adjacent transmission system operators about a change in procedure, than Open Grid Europe will inform about the start and stop of such a pro rata allocation by publishing a Urgent Market Message (UMM).
Communication procedures in case of exceptional events
OIn the case of an exceptional event, Open Grid Europe GmbH will inform it network users if there is a potential impact on their confirmed quantities and provide all necessary information about the expected and actual end of the exceptional event by publishing an Urgent Market Message (UMM). Open Grid Europe GmbH publishes all UMMs on this website.