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For even greater security in the supply system: The guide to gas crisis preparedness.
As a major player in the gas industry, we ensure a safe and reliable supply of gas to the customer.

One major aspect in this context is the early provision of information on a potential risk to supply security and the establishment of communication processes between the network operators involved in the gas transportation chain, from the import points to the exit point to end users.
The BDEW/VKU/GEODE-guide „Krisenvorsorge Gas“ mainly describes process flows and related information obligations and communication channels, with the aim being optimal implementation of measures pursuant to Sections 16 and 16a of the German Energy Industry Act (EnWG), in particular between upstream and downstream networks. The guide sets out the requirements of Section 21, “System responsibility under the agreement on cooperation between operators of gas supply networks located in Germany (KoV)”, in concrete terms, describing how they should be implemented across all network levels.
The following link will take grid operators to the crisis portal we use: