More about CO₂

Answers to your questions

You probably have some questions about what transport options we offer. You will find the answers to the most important topics here.

What form should CO2 transport take in the planned network?

Currently we assume that the CO2 will be transported in liquid form at a pressure of at least 80-90 bar.

How large should the network be?

Basically, the network will be planned in a demand-oriented and future-proof manner. On the one hand, we will take into account the reported needs of the users, as well as the results of studies and especially the results of the national carbon management strategy. Initially, we envisage a north-south connection from Wilhelmshaven to the Swiss border as well as connections to the Netherlands (Rotterdam) and Belgium (Antwerp/Zeebrügge) and a development of the industrial regions in eastern Germany (e.g. Leipzig/Leuna) and Bavaria (e.g. Ingolstadt).

Do you use old natural gas pipelines?

Unfortunately, the existing natural gas pipelines can only be used to a very limited extent due to the technical requirements for (dense) CO2 transport. If possible, however, we will use the corridors of existing infrastructure to keep the necessary interventions as low as possible.

Can I buy and sell CO2 through OGE?

As an infrastructure operator, OGE exclusively markets transport capacities and is not active in commodities in any transport medium. For the commodity sector, OGE has teamed up with strong value chain partners.

Why should I have CO2 transported via pipelines and not through other means of transportation?

Transport infrastructure is needed for transportation to both, storage sites and to ultimate further utilization of CO2. The possible means of transport are truck, rail or ship transport as well as pipeline transportation. Here though, truck and rail transport are practical only for small quantities and short distances, while ships and pipelines are also suitable for larger volumes and greater distances. Pipeline transportation, however, offers a cost advantage for high capacities. Hence, in the long term, pipeline infrastructure has a task to connect particularly the major industrial locations where CO2 occurs as process emissions and those where CO2 is required as a raw material.1516

Why should I register my CO2 transportation requirements with OGE? Whom can I contact?

OGE operates the biggest gas transmission grid in Germany with around 12,000 km of pipelines. It has many years of experience as an infrastructure operator, as well as excellent know-how in pipeline construction and the transport business. Furthermore, OGE has teamed up with strong partners for CO2 infrastructure operation. Please feel free to contact us with your transport request or register on HyCo-Connect.

I have a demand for CO2. Where does it come from?

OGE works with partners who capture the process-related or energy-related CO2 emissions in line with EU regulations. We transport this CO2 from one of our partners to you.

I would like to have CO2 removed. Where does it go?

OGE works with partners who are responsible for CO2 storage and partners where CO2 is used as a raw material or permanently bound in products. We transport your CO2 to one of our partners, where it will be further processed or stored in line with EU regulations.


Carbon dioxide within German DVGW standards: C 260 (A) specifies the quality of CO2 and CO2 streams, whereas C463 (A) covers the design and construction of CO2 steel pipelines. C466 (A) deals with the operation and maintenance of CO2 steel pipelines. C 491 (A) is available as a technical rule for systems for CO2 Transport.  The detailed regulatory framework is available in the member area of the DVGW website or can be bought via the following link: DVGW-Regelwerk Gas/Kohlenstoffdioxid

CO2 specification: The proposed CO2 specification of TES and OGE represents a working status. We are interested in exchanging views with potential customers and partners in order to further develop and optimize the CO2 specification: CO2 specification


15Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (ed.) (dena, 2021). “dena-Leitstudie Aufbruch Klimaneutralität”, p. 224

16Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitalisation and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (ed.). (2021). Kohlenstoff kann Klimaschutz - Carbon Management Strategie Nordrhein-Westfalen, p. 49