Network control
Calculate gas properties correctly: We provide the basis.
What properties does the gas have? This is particularly important for end users at network exit points, for example for industrial production purposes. OGE is able to reconstruct the properties of the gas in your network using a recognised simulation process. This way, you get usable data showing the gas properties for every point in the network, which you may use for billing purposes.

The reconstruction of gas properties is a kind of expanded gas network simulation, whereby particularly the composition of the gas is monitored over time. Our reconstruction (REKO) system works 24/7 to identify the gross calorific value, standard density, carbon dioxide and ten other parameters that help determine the gas law deviation coefficient.
Due to the cyclical nature of the network status calculation (once an hour), we can provide information on the distribution of the gas properties on the same day, allowing end users in an ideal scenario to adapt their processes as necessary and soon.
Our REKO system has been approved by the Federal Institute of Physics and Metrology (PTB), and its operation is constantly monitored by the Weights & Measures authority of North Rhine-Westphalia. The system provides daily mean values, which are used to determine the technical quantities. The data calculated for the exit points is kept available for up to two years. In a separate stage of the process, the hydrogen value can also be monitored.
What we offer:
- Advice on the procurement of approved reconstruction systems for gas properties
- Process data from the Open Grid Europe network as monthly, daily or hourly values
- Calculation of gas quality values using a recognised reconstruction system (REKO)
- Preparation of 11-component analyses
- Provision of gas quality data on the basis of communication interfaces customary in the industry
- Calculation of the CO2 emission factor in accordance with DVGW G 693
How you benefit:
- You receive a low-cost alternative to costly measurements
- The measurements are a good basis for the conditioning of biogas
- The analyses are also helpful when it comes to feeding H2 into the grid
- You comply with statutory emission trading requirements
- You may use the gas quality data for industrial production purposes
Do you have any questions or special requirements?
We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to help.