Information on VIP formation
We strengthen market integration. Information on VIP formation and the dual system.
There is new information on the establishment of virtual interconnection points (VIPs) in accordance with Art. 19 (9) of Regulation (EU) 2017/459 (NC CAM). The Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) has informed the German transmission system operators (TSOs) that the dual system will continue to be implemented in Germany. This decision is based on the EU Commission’s finding that the Network Code Capacity Allocation (NC CAM) cannot be adjusted before 2020.

Status quo in functionality process
Despite the use of the term "available capacities", the European Commission implicitly provides for already contracted capacities to be included in virtual interconnection points. The Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) does not share this interpretation. Consequently, OGE and the other German TSOs are continuing to work together on the implementation of the dual system.
The dual system as agreed with the Federal Network Agency
We have agreed implementation details with the Federal Network Agency, which are listed below. Should the introduction of a virtual checkpoint be delayed, they will only apply from the time of actual introduction. It should be noted that a VIP can only be implemented if the introduction and settlement arrangements have been agreed with the partners on the other side of the border. As long as a checkpoint has not been introduced into a VIP, the current rules for this checkpoint continue to apply until further notice.
Details of the dual system
The main details of the implementation process for the "dual system" agreed with the BNetzA are listed below. The arrangements apply in each case at the earliest from, or with reference to, 1 November 2018. If the introduction of a VIP is delayed, the arrangements only apply from, or with reference to, the time of the respective introduction of the VIP. It must also be taken into account that a VIP can only be implemented if the introduction and settlement arrangements of the VIP have been agreed with the partners on the other side of the border. If or as long as an IP is not included in a VIP, the current arrangements for this IP continue to apply generally unchanged until further notice.
Basic model
- Establishment of a new VIP in addition to the existing IP
- Contracts in place at the time of the introduction of the VIP (existing contracts) remain at the IP. There are no plans for provide a transfer option to the VIP.
- The technical capacity at the IP corresponds to the level of the capacity tied up in existing contracts on the date of establishment of the VIP. At the end of the contract, the capacity becomes available and is marketed at the VIP.
- At the VIP, the sum of the available capacities of the IP forming the VIP is shown as technical capacity.
Process for existing contracts
Nominations of existing contracts take made at the IP, nominations of new contracts at the VIP
- If existing contracts on the other side of the border are transferred to the VIP, the existing contracts must be nominated on the German side at the IP and on the other side at the VIP. Together with the partner on the other side of the border, the German TSOs will ensure proper execution of the transportation contracts.
CMP measures
- Capacities returned from existing contracts are remarketed at the VIP
- Long-term UIOLI: congestion will be identified across all relevant points, identification of use and withdrawal will be for specific IPs, withdrawn capacity will be marketed at the VIP
- Short-term UIOLI: application and renomination limits will be determined for specific IPs, available capacities will be marketed at the VIP
- Secondary marketing of existing contracts will be at the IP
Nomination management / Matching
Contractual verification of nominations at each IP and at the VIP
- Afterwards aggregation of received nominations per border in order to ensure execution also in cases where existing contracts are transferred to the VIP on the other side of the border
Aggregated nominations are transmitted to the adjacent TSOs for matching
- Balancing group managers can only over-nominate at the VIP
- Over-nomination at the IP is ruled out, since all available capacity is marketed at the VIP
- The prerequisite for allowing over-nomination is that the VIP capacities are completely booked
Bundled nomination (single-sided nomination) is offered from VIP to VIP
Capacity Conversion
„Bundling Conversion“ (NC CAM)
- Converting an unbundled existing contract on the German side of the IP is only possible by booking bundled capacity at the IP until the date of VIP establishment
- Unbundled IP capacities on the German side of the IP can no longer be converted after the date of VIP establishment
- Should an unbundled existing contract on the other side of the border be transferred to the VIP, the conversion via booking of bundled capacity at the VIP should still be possible based on the requirements of the TSO on the other side of the border
„Upgrade Conversion“ (GasNZV)
- Conversion of existing contracts for interruptible capacity or firm capacities with interruptible elements at the IP to firm capacities or firm capacity products with less interruptible elements are only possible by booking such capacities (according to TSO specific product ranking) at the IP until the date of establishment of the VIP
- After the date of VIP establishment, upgrades at the IP are no longer possible
Implementation per VIP
Market information on THE VIP implementation (02 June 2021)
Art. 19 (9) Regulation (EU) 2017/459 (NC CAM) provides for the implementation of virtual interconnection points (VIP). Due to the merger of the Netconnect Germany (NCG) and GASPOOL market areas into the new Trading Hub Europe (THE) market area on October 1st, 2021, there will be an obligation at some borders to merge further interconnection points (IP) and existing VIPs to new THE-VIPs. The transmission system operators (TSOs) on the borders with Denmark, the Netherlands (H-Gas & L-Gas), Belgium and the Czech Republic are affected by a merger to form THE-VIPs
The companies Fluxys Deutschland GmbH, Fluxys TENP GmbH (Fluxys TENP), GASCADE Gastransport GmbH (GASCADE), GTG Nord GmbH (GTG), Open Grid Europe GmbH (OGE), Thyssengas GmbH (TG), ONTRAS Gastransport GmbH, Gasunie Deutschland Transport Services GmbH (GUD) and GRTgaz Deutschland GmbH would like to inform you about the current status (02 June 2021) of the VIP implementation.
Overview of new VIPs
Based on the market information dated 02.06.2021, the companies Fluxys TENP GmbH (Fluxys TENP), GASCADE Gastransport GmbH (GASCADE), Gasunie Deutschland Transport Services GmbH (GUD), Open Grid Europe GmbH (OGE) and Thyssengas GmbH (TG) can confirm 01.04.2022 as the fix introduction date for the VIP THE-ZTP and the VIP TTF-THE-H and inform you about the first auctions on these VIPs:
New VIP | VIP-TSO | involved TSO | relevant IPs | current VIPs | Introduction date | First marketing/ auction |
VIP TTF-THE-L EIC: 21Z012965309364T | TG | GTG GUD OGE | Oude Statenzijl (L) (GTG), Oude Statenzijl L (GUD), Elten (OGE), Vreden (OGE), Tegelen (OGE), Haanrade (TG), Zevenaar (TG), Dinxperlo | VIP TTF-GASPOOL-L, VIP-TTF-NCG-L | 01.10.2021 | Day-ahead-Auction on 30.09.2021 |
VIP DK-THE EIC: 21Z8273645914289 | GUD | OGE | Ellund (OGE), Ellund (GUD) | 01.10.2021 | Day-ahead-Auction on 30.09.2021 | |
VIP THE-ZTP EIC: 21Z102938475601E | OGE | Fluxys TENP TG GASCADE | Eynatten-Raeren (OGE), Eynatten (Fluxys TENP), Lichtenbusch (TG), Eynatten (GASCADE) | VIP Belgium - NCG | 01.04.2022 | Day-ahead-Auction on 31.03.2022 |
VIP TTF-THE-H EIC: 21Z0019743987060 | GUD | Fluxys TENP GASCADE TG OGE | Oude Statenzijl H (GUD), Bunde (GASCADE), Bocholtz (Fluxys TENP), Bocholtz (OGE), Oude Statenzijl (OGE), Bocholtz-Vetschau (TG) | VIP TTF-GASPOOL-H, VIP-TTF-NCG-H | 01.04.2022 | Day-ahead-Auction on 31.03.2022 |
Until the introduction of the THE-VIPs, the marketing of capacities at the existing VIPs will be continued. As soon as the new THE-VIPs are set up, the transport contracts already concluded at the existing VIPs will be transferred to the new THE-VIPs and the relevant VIP-TSOs, as described in the Supplementary Terms and Conditions of the transmission system operators (TSOs).
OGE kindly asks shippers who want to book capacity at the VIP THE-ZTP to register with OGE in due time. Similarly, GUD kindly asks shippers who want to book capacity at the VIP TTF-THE-H to register with GUD in due time.
A consolidation of the VIPs on the border to the Czech Republic is currently not planned. The current VIPs (VIP Brandov-GASPOOL and VIP Waidhaus NCG) will therefore continue to exist beyond the market area merger and will be renamed as VIP Brandov and VIP Waidhaus as of October 1st, 2021.
Furthermore, the TSOs responsible for the respective VIP will inform the market individually for each VIP about the respective current implementation status and relevant implementation dates in the future.
Contract conditions: will the dual model remain?
The essential details of the implementation of the “dual model” agreed with the Federal Network Agency still apply, as published on the website. The handling of existing contracts with IPs will not change with the newly formed THE-VIPs.
In contrast to already concluded IP contracts, existing VIP contracts concluded at the current NCG and GASPOOL VIPs that have to be merged to the new THE-VIPs will be completely transferred to the new THE VIPs as specified in the respective terms and conditions of the TSOs. At present, the concerned TSOs are still working on the design of the transfer of contracts from the NCG and GASPOOL VIPs to the new THE-VIPs and will inform the affected shippers sufficiently in advance.
The TSOs responsible for each VIP inform the market individually for each VIP about the current implementation status.
Status of implementation at the relevant VIPs
VIP NCG Oberkappel
VIP NCG Oberkappel | |
VIP TSO | Open Grid Europe |
TSOs involved at VIP | GRTgaz Deutschland, Open Grid Europe |
Relevante IP | Oberkappel (GRTgaz Deutschland), Oberkappel (Open Grid Europe) |
As described in the market information of May 2018, it is not possible establishing a VIP between NCG and the Market area East including the points Oberkappel and Überackern. Following a written request by the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA), the TSOs GRTgaz Deutschland and Open Grid Europe have decided to establish a VIP only at Oberkappel on the German side.
The TSOs will thus establish the VIP NCG Oberkappel on the German side of said interconnection point on 1 March 2019. This implementation date has been communicated to Gas Connect Austria and the BNetzA.
Further details regarding the implementation of this VIP (e.g. EIC code) are available under the download section. The TSOs underline that the changes due to the VIP establishment only affect the German side of the cross-border interconnection point.
VIP France-Germany und VIP Waidhaus NCG
VIP France-Germany | France | NCG |
VIP TSO | GRTgaz | GRTgaz Deutschland |
TSOs involved at VIP | GRTgaz | GRTgaz Deutschland, OGE |
Relevant IPs | Obergailbach | Medelsheim GRTgaz Deutschland, Medelsheim OGE |
VIP Waidhaus NCG | Czech Republic | NCG |
TSOs involved at VIP | NET4GAS | GRTgaz Deutschland, OGE |
Relevant IPs | Waidhaus | Waidhaus GRTgaz Deutschland, Waidhaus OGE |
Due to the uncertainties regarding the VIP establishment as well as the risks involved, the TSOs were for a long time unable to initiate the adaptations to the core processes and IT systems required for VIP implementation. The implementation of VIPs has implications for the whole complex IT landscape of the TSOs. In particular time-critical, highly-available systems and processes like nomination and grid steering systems are affected. Due to the criticality of these systems and processes a comprehensive quality assurance is imperative.
Therefore, the TSOs will establish the VIP France-Germany and the VIP Waidhaus NCG by 1 March 2019. This implementation date has been coordinated with the adjacent TSOs, and the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) has been informed accordingly.
Start of capacity marketing at the VIP:
The marketing of capacities at the VIP began in the day-ahead auction on 28 February 2019 for the gas day 1 March 2019.
Fees at the VIP:
With regard to VIP charges, the TSOs refer to the price sheets of the VIP TSOs NET4GAS, GRTgaz, GRTgaz Deutschland and OGE.
The VIP L GASPOOL-NCG was established by 1. November 2018. Due to the fact that this VIP only involved Open Grid Europe on the NCG side of the border, the implementation of this VIP was relatively easy and the establishment was therefore be compelted by 1 November 2018. Also on the Gaspool side, due to the lower complexity (transfer of new “existing contracts” to the VIP by Nowega and GUD) the establishment of the VIP L GASPOOL-NCG by 1.11.2018 was successfully completed on 1 November 2018.
TSOs involved at VIP | NOWEGA, GUD | OGE |
Relevant IPs | Zone OGE L, Ahlten, Steinbrink | Zone GUD L, Ahlten, Steinbrink |
EIC Code of "VIP L GASPOOL-NCG": 37Z000000007353T
Start of capacity marketing at the VIP: The marketing of capacities at the VIP began with the day-ahead auction on 31 October 2018 for the gas day 1 November 2018.
VIP tariffs: With regard to VIP tariffs, the TSOs refer to the price sheets of the VIP TSOs NOWEGA and OGE.
VIP Belgium-NCG and Germany-CH
VIP Belgium-NCG | Belgium | NCG |
VIP TSO | Fluxys Belgium | Open Grid Europe |
TSOs involved at VIP | Fluxys Belgium | Fluxys TENP, OGE, TG |
Relevant IPs | Eynatten 2 | Eynatten-Raeren, Eynatten, Lichtenbusch |
VIP Germany-CH | Switzerland | NCG |
VIP TSO | Keine Anwendung NC CAM | Fluxys TENP |
TSOs involved at VIP | FluxSwiss, SwissGas | Fluxys TENP, OGE |
Relevant IPs | Wallbach | Wallbach Fluxys TENP, Wallbach OGE |
The implementation of the VIPs had an impact on the entire complex IT landscape of the VIP partners. Especially time-critical, highly available systems and processes such as nomination and network control systems were affected. Due to the criticality of these systems and processes and the mutual dependencies between the IT systems of the TSOs, extensive quality assurance was imperative. This required more time than originally expected.
The TSOs were therefore able to set up the VIP Belgium-NCG and the VIP Germany-CH on 1 July 2019 and from then on to market capacity only at the VIP. In order to allow our customers to book VIP capacities at an early stage, capacities were only marketed at the VIP in the following auctions:
- Quarterly auctions in May 2019 for the shipping period from 1 July to 1 October 2019
- Monthly auctions in June 2019 for the shipping period July 2019
- Annual auctions in July 2019 for the shipping period GY 2019/2020 and thereafter.
- Day Ahead/Within Day auctions starting on 30 June 2019 for the shipping period starting on 1 July 2019
This procedure has been coordinated with the adjacent TSOs and the regulator (BNetzA) has been informed accordingly.
Further details regarding the implementation of these VIPs (e.g. EIC codes) were also communicated to the market by the TSOs with sufficient advance notice. The participating TSOs would like to point out once again that no major changes in the process are to be expected for shippers. This applies in particular to shippers who are already active at the relevant IPs. Since VIP management at the Belgium-NCG and the Germany-CH VIPs will be carried out by Open Grid and Europe Fluxys TENP (as VIP TSOs), respectively, and the current processes remain largely unchanged, the shippers’ obligation to cooperate prior to network use will be limited to registering with the VIP TSO via the capacity platform PRISMA, if they have not already registered with this TSO, and to completing a communication test. This registration is already possible now. The respective VIP TSO will allow sufficient time for registration and interface setup.
VIP TTF-NCG-H and VIP TTF-NCG-L (10 February 2020)
VIP NCG-TTF-H | Netherlands | NCG |
VIP TSO | GTS | Open Grid Europe (OGE) |
TSOs involved at VIP | GTS | Fluxys TENP, OGE, TG |
Relevant IPs | Bocholtz TENP (Fluxys TENP, OGE), Oude Statenzijl (OGE), Bocholtz- Vetschau (TG) | Bocholtz (Fluxys TENP), Bocholtz (OGE), Oude Statenzijl (OGE), Bocholtz-Vetschau (TG) |
VIP NCG-TTF-L | Netherlands | NCG |
VIP TSO | GTS | Thyssengas (TG) |
TSOs involved at VIP | GTS | OGE, TG |
Relevant IPs | Winterswijk (OGE), Tegelen (OGE), Haanrade (TG), Zevenaar (OGE, TG) | Elten (OGE), Vreden (OGE), Tegelen (OGE), Haanrade (TG), Zevenaar (TG) |
We are glad to inform you that the above-mentioned VIPs will be implemented on April 1st, 2020, 6 a.m. The first marketing of capacities for these VIPs will start with the monthly auction for April 2020 on March 16th, 2020.
With the implementation of VIPs between the Netherlands and NCG, no capacity will be offered at the above-mentioned IPs as of April 1st, 2020. The last capacity auctions for these IPs will be the day-ahead auction and the within-day auctions on March 30th/31st, 2020 for March 31st, 2020. Contracts already concluded at the above-mentioned IPs will remain valid. For transportation periods on/after April 1st, 2020, 6 a.m., all capacity contracts will have to be concluded at the corresponding VIPs.
Therefore, we kindly ask you to ensure that the following codes are used for your nomina-tions:
IP / VIP | Location Code | Transmission System Operator (TSO) where you have to nominate |
Bocholtz Fluxys TENP | 21Z0000000002042 | Fluxys TENP |
Bocholtz Vetschau | 21Z000000000170U | Thyssengas |
Bocholtz OGE | 21Z000000000071W | OGE |
Oude OGE | 21Z000000000075O | OGE |
VIP NCG-TTF-H | 21Z000000000502V | OGE |
Elten Thyssengas | 21Z000000000072U | Thyssengas |
Elten OGE | 21Y0000000001367 | OGE |
Vreden OGE | 21Z000000000073S | OGE |
VIP NCG-TTF-L | 21Z000000000501X | Thyssengas |