Network products
You need natural gas — without pipelines. We’ve got it covered.
Normally you get your natural gas via our extensive pipeline transmission system, but occasionally you might need a mobile supply of natural gas. We will procure and deliver the quantities you need, feed the gas into your system and manage the overall execution of the project.

Mobile gas supply system
We at OGE are your port of call for all matters relating to mobile natural gas supplies: We can advise you on the optimal process, the technical prerequisites and the necessary up-front work. Our experienced employees monitor the mobile supply of gas with an expert eye.
We can supply you with natural gas in the quality you require for
- uninterrupted gas supplies to your customers during maintenance work on your network
- testing purposes on industrial sites thinking about switching to natural gas (e.g. in the steel, glass, porcelain and ceramics sectors)
- testing purposes in plant areas where natural gas is not yet available
- the initial fill and for purging of pipelines