Market information
Incremental Capacity process
According to Chapter 5 (EU) 2017/459 (NC CAM) the German Gas-TSOs shall carry out a process to identify the need for incremental capacity. The process starts in odd years after the annual auction and has a duration of two years.
General information
All information on past or current Incremental Capacity cycles are published here.
Publication according to Art. 28 (3) NC CAM
The involved TSOs have published the information regarding the procedure for incremental capacity at the border between BeLux market area (ZTP) and the German market area (THE) according to Art. 28 (3) NC CAM. The information is available here.
Fee acc. to Art. 26 (11) Regulation (EU) 2017/459 (NC CAM)
From the incremental capacity cycle 2023 - 2025 onwards, the German transmission system operators will charge a fee of €30,000 per market area border, type of request (incremental capacity or upgrade of existing capacity) and direction (entry or exit capacity) for their activities resulting from the submission of non-binding demand indications in accordance with Article 26 (11) of Regulation (EU) 2017/459 (NC CAM). Please note that the fee will also be charged if the transmission of the non-binding demand indication is not submitted to the applicants by the requesting party directly but by a third party (such as an adjacent, foreign TSO) (cf. point 37 BK9-22/042).
The approval by the Federal Network Agency and detailed information can be found in Decision BK9-22/042 or here.