
Our suppliers – partners in upholding our social, environmental and ethical values. 

For our company, adherence to social, ecological and ethical standards is hugely important.  We thereby support the goals of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). 

We expect our suppliers, as partners and an important part of our value chain, to likewise observe and comply with these standards.

OGE has created a Supplier Code of Conduct to ensure a common understanding of these standards. As a clear commitment to compliance, you agree to the contents of this Code of Conduct and address the issues appropriately in your own supply chains.


If you have any questions regarding this Code of Conduct, please contact our Purchasing Department using the following contact details:

Open Grid Europe GmbH
Bereich Einkauf
Kallenbergstraße 5
45141 Essen

Tel.: +49 (0)201-3642 18963 or 
Tel.: +49 (0)201-3642 14280
Send email


Reports of violations of the provisions of this Supplier Code can be made to OGE – including anonymously – to:

Send email

Tel.: +49 (0)201-3642 14555

Adress: Compliance Office der Open Grid Europe GmbH
Kallenbergstr. 5, 45141 Essen

Digital reporting channel:

You can also report human rights violations in the supply chain to OGE’s Human Rights Officer appointed in accordance with the Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz, LkSG)). The Human Rights Officer oversees OGE's human rights / supply chain risk management and reports directly to Board of Management. You can reach the Human Rights Officer here: Send message

The above information on reporting violations must also be passed on to the employees of our suppliers in an appropriate manner. Their employees must be able to make reports on a confidential basis while being protected from discrimination. 

Suppliers / pdf / 751.36 KB

Code of Conduct for suppliers

Principles of ecological, social and ethical conduct