Management systems
Reliability at the highest level: our integrated QSE system.
We adhere to high standards in all areas as a matter of course. OGE is one of the first natural gas transmission companies in Europe to operate an integrated management system (QSE system) for quality, occupational health & safety, energy efficiency and environmental protection, which also meets technical safety management requirements.

The certificates awarded to OGE confirm that our integrated QSE system meets all the requirements arising from legislation and applicable technical codes and standards, including DIN EN ISO 9001 for quality, DVGW Code of Practise G 1000 for technical safety management, the DIN ISO 45001 for health and safety, as well as DIN EN ISO 50001 for energy efficiency and DIN EN ISO 14001 for environmental matters.
Since December 2017, the QSE system has been supplemented by a certified information security management system ("ISMS") conforming to the requirements of the IT security catalogue of the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA), with DIN EN ISO 27001 and DIN EN ISO 27019 as the main basis for certification.