As the operator of Europe’s leading gas transmission system we know our tasks and existing challenges very well. You too can benefit from the experience and know-how of our employees.

Technical services


By means of appropriate sensors and special analysis methods, excavator damage to pipelines can be detected in real time. 


pigsar™ is one of the leading high-pressure gas meter test facilities worldwide. In cooperation with the Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), pigsar™ sets the national standard for high-pressure natural gas measurement. 

All technical services at a glance 


pigsar™ is one of the leading high-pressure gas meter test facilities worldwide. In cooperation with the Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), pigsar™ sets the national standard for high-pressure natural gas measurement.

Mobile compressors 

Repair work with no loss of natural gas: economical and environmentally friendly with a mobile compressor.

Hot tapping and Plugging 

Trouble-free gas transportation: it's all about hot tapping and plugging.

Mobile GPRM stations 

Ensuring a smooth gas supply: Your mobile gas pressure regulating and metering station is coming.

Mobile natural gas supply 

You need natural gas – without a pipeline. We'll make a stop at your site.

Plant and pipeline operation 

Your plants, pipelines and systems: in the best hands with us.

Plant safety 

All tight. All secure. All good. A complete service for the technical safety of your plants.


Real-time detection of damage to pipelines from excavators.


Everything tightly sealed in gas plants and above-ground pipelines? The GasCam® will tell you.

Fibre-optic and dark fibre networks

Available down to the smallest fibre: Realise your dark fibre network with us.

Management of technical codes and standards

Frequently helpful for your projects too: OGE standards management.

Corrosion protection – CP and local CP 

Effective corrosion protection: Keep your lines rust-free.

Condition assessment for pipeline

Discover the potential of your plant and pipelines. We assess so that you can improve.

Gas industry services

Energy data management 

OGE takes care of your energy data management: Our employees will get your data moving and monitor compliance with legal limits and regulation.

All gas industry services at a glance 

Energy data management 

We get your data moving.

Gas analysis 

Reliable analysis of your gas – in our own laboratory.

Analysis of operating materials and environmental data

Reliable analysis of your operating resources – in our own laboratory.

Chemical engineering – local services

Reliable analysis of your gas sample – in our own laboratory.

Technical measures 

Technical development of your network – more efficient planning and execution.

Nomination and matching 

Nomination and data reconciliation – simple, safe and reliable with us.

Fault management 

Contact our fault management centre around the clock: 0800-33 55 33 0

central control room

Your network is in good hands with our central grid control room team. 

Gas quality reconstruction

Calculate gas properties correctly: We provide the basis.

Commercial contract processing

Commercial marketing of network capacities. We take care of it for you.

Are you interested in our products and services?

Simply make an inquiry or a personal appointment right away. We look forward to a conversation together.

Make inquiryMake appointment

Contract documents

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General Terms and Conditions for the Delivery of Goods and/or Services

by Open Grid Europe GmbH, Status January 2023