Occupational safety & health protection

Because it all comes down to people.

Human beings are social creatures – and that also shows in the workplace. Social aspects are therefore very important to us – for our employees, our customers, suppliers, neighbours and society.

Together, diverse – but always unique: that’s who we are.

Ninthuja Paramanathan, Audit Clerk, Training Officer

Shaping the transformation safely and healthily

Occupational safety and health protection are an integral part of our business activities. We promote employee health through measures of corporate health management, now also via an app.  We offer a wide range of support relating to physical and mental health – from ergonomics, exercise and  nutrition to mental balance.

Our occupational safety management system is based on the principle of continuous improvement and is a cornerstone of the company’s success. Our goal is a work environment that protects the health and safety of everyone associated with our business, whether it's our own employees or one of our partner companies.

Working at OGE - safe, meaningful and progressive

At OGE, teams of generalists and experts from various specialist departments work towards a shared goal: to ensure sustainable gas transmission in the areas we supply. In order to support our staff as best we can in their efforts, we create not only safe, rewarding working conditions, but also actively involve our employees in the development of the company and their work environment: ideas management, innovation management and, of course, training and further education ensure that OGE is always evolving and securely positioned for the future.

Looking ahead

OGE relies on qualified and motivated employees – today and in the future. To achieve this, we focus on our new talent strategy and a diverse mix of employer branding and recruiting initiatives.

Shaping and anchoring diversity

In times of a shortage of skilled workers and constant changes in the working environment and business field, it is important for us as an employer to position ourselves clearly on topics that are important to our employees. We place emphasis on diversity. Our diversity strategy “Together for each other” is derived from our corporate strategy and supports OGE’s transformation, promoting innovation and creativity and strengthening our corporate culture.

Social commitment, non-discrimination, data protection, party-political neutrality - all of these are social issues for us.

Social commitment

We not only have a responsibility for our core business, but also for the society in which we are located and active. Therefore, we are committed to various social issues. We are an active network partner, also as a member of the Mobility Partnership Essen, to achieve the climate and environmental goals at our main site in Essen. As a company and with the commitment of our workforce, we also support charitable projects throughout Germany.

Code of Conduct for Suppliers: impetus for sustainable action

In addition to our own sustainable actions, we also want to commit our suppliers to greater sustainability. The Code of Conduct formulates our social, environmental and ethical expectations along our supply chains.

Supply Chain Due Diligence Act Neutral and independent

For our close partner-suppliers, employee health and environmental protection have always been very important. In order to continue on this path, OGE established processes and systems for  assessing and monitoring suppliers already in 2023 and therefore a year before the legal obligation to implement the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz, LkSG).

Neutral and independent

As a regulated transmission system operator, we are party-politically neutral. In order to create transparency about our interest representation, we have been registered in the EU Transparency Register for several years and, since the end of February 2022, also in the new Lobby Register for interest representation vis-à-vis the German Bundestag and the Federal Government.

Transparent flow of information

We treat all our our customers equally. That also means that all customers and participants in the gas market enjoy the same, non-discriminatory access to our information. For this purpose, we offer them a transparent insight and overview of our gas transmission network.

“From the compressor station to the playground at home: it’s all possible at OGE!”

Tim Alberts, Maintenance Specialist in the Wardenburg sector, on parental leave

In the Sustainability Report, Chapter Social Issues, you can read in detail how forward-looking OGE is for its employees, as well as for its partners and society.

Company / pdf / 11.81 MB

Sustainability Report 2023

Published 26 March 2024