22 - 23 Sep 2021
Digital Edition
Annual Handelsblatt Gas Conference 2021
Gas as a beacon of hope for the energy transition? Renewable gases such as hydrogen or biogas can facilitate this process, but what will the gas industry look like in the future and how will we master the difficult task of transforming the energy sector?
The German government's energy and climate policy, especially the amendment of the Energy Industry Act, opens up new vistas. Among other things, it provides a regulatory framework for pure hydrogen networks for the first time, so that network expansion will not lag behind hydrogen generation in the future.
But how can the hydrogen ramp-up actually be achieved?
On 23 September, our Technical Director Dr Thomas Hüwener will discuss this with Gunda Röstel, the Managing Director of Dresden's municipal water and sewage company Stadtentwässerung Dresden GmbH, among others.
This and many other topics relevant to the industry will be debated at the Annual Handelsblatt Gas Conference, which will take place on 22 and 23 September 2021.
For more information, go to https://veranstaltungen.handelsblatt.com/gas