Construction and operation
All tight, safe and sound. Our full range of services for the technical reliability of your systems.
When the statutory framework changes and technical systems have to be rebuilt or modified, plant safety still needs to be guaranteed. We offer customised services that ensure the safety of your installations at all times.

You can select the following services:
- Process calculations (flow simulations, venting and blowdown system design, etc.)
- Safety assessments (effect calculations, determining the size of hazardous areas, etc.)
- Independent expert reports as a basis for decision-making
- Tightness tests for above-ground installations and pipelines using GasCam®
Process calculations
We can answer technical questions relating to the operation and optimisation of pipeline systems with numerous simulation processes. This enables us to calculate what’s going on inside your systems and pipelines and thus to resolve problems associated with fluid flow and technical processes.
We always draw on the most suitable computing process for your project. We use various proven software products for three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and one-dimensional technical flow analyses.
Safety assessments
The computational results of numerical simulations serve not only for the operational or technical optimisation of gas systems, but are frequently used for safety assessments at technical plants and independent expert reports.
Our safety services include:
- Safety reviews and assessments on the technical safety of gas installations
- Effect calculations aimed at recognising and avoiding risks
- Determining the size of hazardous areas
Tightness testing of gas installations (GasCam®)
Installations carrying gas are subject to stringent safety requirements and are checked regularly for tightness. The procedure for locating leaks based on the use of probes is both labour and cost-intensive. However, we have developed a device for remote gas detection based on infrared radio spectrometry. This innovation was developed together with the Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, international project partners from the gas sector and the manufacturer Esders GmbH.
The innovative device is called GasCam® and it enables efficient inspection of above-ground installations. The imaging process significantly reduces the time needed for an inspection, particularly where piping systems are very complex with numerous detachable connections.
The GasCam® makes methane emissions visible as a false-colour image in real time on the screen of a laptop. It allows the operator to precisely pinpoint the source of the gas leak, even from considerable distances.
We would be happy to carry out tightness inspections with the GasCam® for you.