4 Oct 2023
Press release
Success in energy supply: OGE completes connection pipe-line to second floating LNG terminal in Wilhelmshaven
Germany's leading transmission system operator OGE once again demonstrates speed and reliability in the construction of major infrastructure. With the successful completion of the “Wilhelmshaven-Anbindungsleitung II (WAL II)”, including a gas pressure regulator station, OGE continues to secure Germany's stable natural gas supply in the future - the pipeline is also, like WAL I - suitable for the transport of hydrogen.
The two-kilometer long WAL II runs through industrial areas of the “Voslapper Groden” without touching any nature conservation areas. The pipeline is thus ready for operation well in advance of the arrival of the Floating Storage & Regasification Unit (FSRU) "Excelsior", the second floating import terminal for liquefied natural gas (LNG). Dr. Thomas Hüwener, member of the OGE Management Board, emphasizes: "I would like to thank our team for once again doing an outstanding job to achieve completion on schedule. The WAL I and WAL II pipelines will be able to transport 100 terawatt hours (TWh) of gas annually from the end of 2023. This is around 20 percent of the gas imports from Russia to Germany to date and corresponds to the annual consumption of around five million households."

Diversification of energy supply still necessary
OGE has already made a significant contribution to energy security with the completion of the Wilhelmshaven Interconnector (WAL I) in December 2022. WAL I was built in record time to secure energy supplies for private consumers and industry. Natural gas has already been flowing from the LNG terminal in Wilhelmshaven into the German long-distance gas network for nine months. Franz-Josef Kißing, Technical Project Manager of WAL I and WAL II, emphasizes: "Although WAL has already paved the way for an independent and diversified energy supply, the process is not yet complete. The existing pipeline network is almost at capacity due to the transport of natural gas from Norway and the Netherlands. Therefore, an expansion of the transport capacities is inevitable. The valuable lessons learned from the successful implementation of WAL I have helped us to implement WAL II smoothly." OGE is planning the “Etzel-Wardenburg-Drohne” supply pipeline to transport the new natural gas volumes from Lower Saxony to the German long-distance gas network. The first section of this pipeline is scheduled for completion and commissioning in 2025, while the second section is scheduled for commissioning in 2026.
WAL I and WAL II form cornerstones of the hydrogen economy
The reliable completion of WAL II demonstrates not only OGE's technical expertise, but also its ability to lead projects to success in close partnership with all stakeholders. "Good cooperation between politicians, authorities, local citizens and companies is essential for successful project progress. Without the many people who supported, accompanied and drove WAL I and II in their creation, it would not have worked. We at OGE would like to thank them for this," says Dr. Jörg Bergmann, spokesman for the management board.
"With a view to strengthening the natural gas network and simultaneously building the H2 core network, accelerating planning and approval processes for infrastructure projects is now more important than ever. We continue to work to drive the transformation of our energy system. This requires green gases, above all hydrogen, as the ideal partner for storing and transporting renewable energies, as well as the infrastructure to go with them," Dr. Jörg Bergmann continued. WAL I and WAL II are already suitable for transporting hydrogen. The pipelines are an important piece in the puzzle to become more independent of Russian natural gas and to secure supplies for industry and households with LNG today and hydrogen in the future.