14 Aug 2024
OGE, Thyssengas
Press release
OGE and Thyssengas put ZEELINK compressor station near Legden into operation
As the final component of the ZEELINK project, the Legden compressor station in Münsterland went into operation today.
Compressor stations are essential for moving large quantities of gas over long distances. ZEELINK is an important gas transmission pipeline for security of supply in North Rhine-Westphalia. It runs from the Belgian-German border near Lichtenbusch to Sankt Hubert near Krefeld and on to Legden. At the invitation of ZEELINK project partners OGE and Thyssengas, Nathanael Liminski, Minister for Federal and European Affairs and Media of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, attended the official commissioning of the compressor station.
"The ZEELINK compressor station near Legden will play an important role in the stable and reliable supply of our of gas to customers connected to our network. This applies in the context of changing transmission routes from North-West Europe as well as for the upcoming conversion of natural gas transmission systems to hydrogen. With ZEELINK, OGE and Thyssengas have created an essential energy connection. It ensures that energy is available in the right place at the right time – natural gas today and hydrogen in the future," said Dr Thomas Hüwener, CEO of OGE.
Dr Thomas Gößmann, Chairman of the Management Board of Thyssengas, added: "Even after so many years as an engineer in the industry, I am still fascinated by modern and future-oriented plants like this one here in Legden. Innovation is part of the gas TSOs’ business model. This is an ultra-modern pipeline system that is absolutely future-proof. Its reliability is a crucial component of an increasingly green gas infrastructure and therefore also the backbone of the energy transition.”

Ceremonial commissioning of the compressor station with Dr. Thomas Gößmann (Thyssengas GmbH), Minister Nathanael Liminski and Dr. Thomas Hüwener (OGE) (l. to r.)
Minister for Europe attends commissioning on site
During the official commissioning, NRW Minister Nathanael Liminski was able to gain a comprehensive overview of the station, which was completed on schedule. One of its impressive features is its particularly energy-efficient technology, which renders complex post-treatment of exhaust gases obsolete.
European Minister Nathanael Liminski: "North Rhine-Westphalia is making steady progress towards becoming the first climate-neutral industrial region in Europe. The ZEELINK project is of central importance here. This pipeline ensures North Rhine-Westphalia's connection to the Belgian LNG and, in future, hydrogen import centres. The Legden compressor station is the final technical component of the ZEELINK project for smooth and reliable natural gas transport. Today's commissioning of the Legden compressor station makes a significant contribution to the security of energy supply in our country."
About the compressor station
Compressor stations provide the necessary pressure for transporting gas over long distances. This is also the case in Legden. The station allows natural gas to be moved in a north-south and south-north direction via ZEELINK. There is another compressor station in Würselen.
Construction of the compressor station began in October 2022, and restoration work is scheduled to be completed by the end of the year. The compressor station has an installed capacity of 2x13 megawatts. The entire station area covers 4.5 hectares and blends in visually with the landscape thanks to a specially designed green belt around the facility.