25 Nov 2022

Press release

New uniform postage stamp tariff for the Trading Hub Europe (THE) market area from 1 January 2023

The gas transmission system operators (TSOs) have recalculated their network charges for the Trading Hub Europe (THE) market area applicable from 1 January 2023 on the basis of the Federal Network Agency's (BNetzA) decision entitled "Approval of the recalculation of the reference price for 2023 (REGENT recalculation 2023, BK9-22/615)".

OGE (Open Grid Europe GmbH) published its uniform network charge on 25 November 2022. From 1 January 2023, the annual charge for firm freely allocable entry and exit capacity will be €6,03 /(kWh/h)/a.

Compared to the network charge of €4.82/(kWh/h)/a published in May 2022, this is a 25,01 percent increase for booked firm freely allocable entry and exit capacities.

The recalculation had become necessary following recent geopolitical events which led to significant distortions on the European natural gas market with consequences for the gas TSOs' booking and cost forecasts, which were not foreseeable when the charges were last calculated in May. The significant cost increase for the energy needed to drive the compressors has also had a significant impact on the latest calculation of the network charge.