Press releases 

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20 March 2024 / Cooperation

Energy supplier alliance gives go-ahead for regional hydrogen distribution network in Frankfurt/Rhine-Main

Metropolitan region to receive hydrogen regional network Rh2ein-Main Connect.

2 February 2024 / Cooperation

The H2med project is entering a new phase of its development.

The three developing partners of the BarMar project, Enagás, GRTgaz and Teréga, in coordination with OGE, have decided to award the Wood company to conduct the preliminary engineering studies, perform the analysis of route alternatives and select the corridor of the BarMar project.

25 January 2024

Dr. Thomas Hüwener becomes Spokesman of the Management Board of OGE

OGE hat die Nachfolge des bisherigen CEO Dr. Jörg Bergmann frühzeitig geregelt: Dr. Thomas Hüwener wird am 01. Juli 2024 Sprecher der Geschäftsführung.

4 October 2023

Success in energy supply: OGE completes connection pipe-line to second floating LNG terminal in Wilhelmshaven

Germany's leading transmission system operator OGE once again demonstrates speed and reliability in the construction of major infrastructure. With the successful completion of the “Wilhelmshaven-Anbindungsleitung II (WAL II)”, including a gas pressure regulator station, OGE continues to secure Germany's stable natural gas supply in the future - the pipeline is also, like WAL I - suitable for the transport of hydrogen.

8 August 2023 / Cooperation

Research project on hydrogen storage launched

Bierwang porous rock storage is being tested for its feasibility as a hydrogen storage facility. Commissioning begins with first hydrogen storage. Hydrogen storage essential for the decarbonization of the European energy market.

7 August 2023

Hydrogen: Hendrik Wüst, Premier of North Rhine-Westphalia, attends the ground-breaking ceremony for the new OGE H2 training centre in Werne, the only one of its kind in Europe

From craftspeople to engineers: OGE to train hydrogen professionals for the future. Hendrik Wüst, Premier of North Rhine-Westphalia, views hydrogen as a key enabler for the energy transition and for the transformation to climate neutrality. Entry into the hydrogen economy with a nationwide core network and H2 training track

23 June 2023

Construction approval: Planning decision for the WAL II LNG pipeline link has been made

Lower Saxony’s State Office for Mining, Energy and Geology (LBEG) completes permitting procedure for WAL II and approves construction. WAL II will connect the second LNG terminal in Wilhelmshaven with the gas transmission pipeline system by the end of 2023. New pipeline will bolster energy security and increase independence from Russia.

25 May 2023

New uniform postage stamp tariff for the Trading Hub Europe (THE) market area from 1 January 2024

For the Trading Hub Europe (THE) market area the transmission system operators have determined the uniform tariff from 1 January 2024 on the basis of the Federal Network Agency’s (BNetzA) REGENT 2021 decision.

27 April 2023

OGE publishes Sustainability Report 2022

Russia's war of aggression and the drastic reduction of Russian gas supplies has shifted focus towards security of supply. Transformation of OGE's core business continues to move forward. Company must focus more on medium- and long-term goals of climate protection and the energy transition.

19 April 2023 / Cooperation

2023 North Sea Summit: Joint declaration to boost hydrogen ramp-up

Major European gas transmission system operators join forces to harness the potential of wind power and hydrogen in the North Sea

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