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Others / pdf / 5.08 MB

Annual Report 2019

Open Grid Europe GmbH

Field sites / pdf / 1.49 MB

Directions to Field Station Landshut

Ergoldinger Str. 2b, 84030 Landshut

Image / zip / 2.81 MB

OGE logo

Color and inverted logo, eps and jpg OGE grants the users the right to use, store and reproduce the texts, images and graphics provided in the press kit in whole or in part for journalistic purposes within the scope of the applicable press and copyright law, whereby OGE must be named as source/author. The use and reproduction of the OGE logo requires the prior consent of OGE.

Image / jpg / 2.65 MB

Dr. Frank Reiners

Member of the Board of Management at Open Grid Europe GmbH Focus: Finance

Brochure / pdf / 660.43 KB

TENP de-odorisation

Non-technical summary (only in German)

Market information / pdf / 117.25 KB


Market information (status of 10 February 2020)

Internal order / pdf / 77.05 KB

Adjustment of internal order during the year

Adjustment of internal order during the year – published on 31.07.2016 (only in German).

Internal order / pdf / 19.41 KB

Gas quality documents, H-gas, Exit

Gas quality documents - Appendix to capacity contract for H-gas at exit point (only in German).

Form / xlsx / 19.14 KB

Declaration of biogas costs

Declaration of biogas costs (only in German).

Internal order / pdf / 19.42 KB

Gas quality documents, L-gas, Exit

Gas quality documents - Appendix to capacity contract for L-gas at exit point (only in German).

Internal order / pdf / 515.23 KB

Form for unavailability of systems

Form for unavailability of systems – published on 02.07.2018 (only in German).

Internal order / pdf / 515.65 KB

System responsibility data update during the year

System responsibility data update during the year – published on 31.07.2016 (only in German).

Market information / pdf / 56.83 KB

Supplementary Terms and Conditions of Open Grid Europe GmbH

Supplementary Terms and Conditions of Open Grid Europe GmbH - Section 8 on separate process for bundled nominations (Section 12 (13) of Entry / Exit Contract) - Overview of bundled nomination pursuant to Regulation (EU) No. 984/2013 at cross-border interconnection points.

Market information / pdf / 502.15 KB

CBP (2014-001/01): Harmonisation of the Nomination and Matching Process for Double-Sided and Single-Sided Nomination

CBP (2014-001/01): Harmonisation of the Nomination and Matching Process for Double-Sided and Single-Sided Nomination: The following Common Business Practice (CBP) has been approved by EASEE-gas for use in gas business transactions across connection points and constitutes recommendations for the part of the process which relates specifically to (re-)nominations and involves shippers on one hand, and system operators on the other hand. This CBP reflects minimum requirements in line with the network codes in the areas referred to in Article 8(6) of the Regulation (EC) 715/20091. This CBP does not exclude additional provisions between individual parties

Market information / pdf / 56.83 KB

Special features of bundled nominations

Supplementary Terms and Conditions of Open Grid Europe GmbH - Section 8 on separate process for bundled nominations (Section 12 (13) of Entry / Exit Contract) - Overview of bundled nomination pursuant to Regulation (EU) No. 984/2013 at cross-border interconnection points.

Market information / pdf / 226.84 KB

Methodology for the calculation of technically available capacity

in the transmission network operated by Open Grid Europe.

Suppliers / pdf / 91.70 KB

Standard Terms and Conditions for the Provision of Construction Services

Suppliers / pdf / 148.92 KB

Standard Terms and Conditions for the Procurement

of Plant, Machinery, and Electrical Equipment of Open Grid Europe GmbH

Instructions / pdf / 1.21 MB

Quick guide for suppliers on how to use Futura SRM to submit an offer

Angebot zu einer Anfrage erstellen und abgeben (only in German)

Instructions / pdf / 761.45 KB

Quick guide for suppliers on how to use Futura SRM to record services rendered

Erbrachte Leistungen zu einer Bestellung abrechnen und an den Auftraggeber übermitteln (only in German)